🌀 7.2: Docker Task
đź”…Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container
đź”…Setting up Python Interpreter and running
Python Code on Docker Container
Let’s start with httpd server .
pull centos:latest and run it docker pull centos:latest .
run that iage to create instance or container docker run -it — name osfordockertask — image=centos:latest .
IF you exited from that container use docker start os_name and docker attach os_name .
Now, inside container > install httpd and start service yum install httpd -y .
Here systemctl wont work so we have to use /usr/sbin/httpd to start service of httpd .
create webpage in /var/www/html vim index.html .
Install net-tools to see ip inside container . yum install net-tools -y
check port no. with netstat -tnlp
now from base os put ip of that container and port no. on which httpd is running http://ip:port/page_name
note : it will only work inside base os
now python
Install python3 yum install python3 -y
create code : vi code.py < print(“hello world”)
run code python3 code.py