docker_image_cmd- docker pull anujdocker9799/ml-docker-1:latest
github_link- https://github.com/anujgupta09/ml-docker-1-2.git
dataset_link- https://www.kaggle.com/rohankayan/years-of-experience-and-salary-dataset
Lets start ,
We need docker , Let us configure docker and install it in our system.
operating system — RHEL8
Configuring repository for docker
Path: /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo
content :
Installing docker — yum install docker-ce -- nobest
note* cmd is yum install docker-ce -- nobest
Starting service and making permanent -
systemctl start docker , systemctl enable docker
docker pull centos:latest
docker run -it --name task1 centos:latest
Now we are in container ,
Installing python inside container ,
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install sklearn
Make directory or workspace (TASK1)
Creating python ML program main.py and putting SalaryData.csv file.
using docker cp copy files inside container
docker cp Salary_Data.csv (imageid):/(directory_name)
Creating python ML program main.py and putting SalaryData.csv file.
Use python3 main.py command to run the model
Running main.py file it will prompt for Year of Experience and Output the Salary to you.
Thank You .